Welcome to Eastek Systems
We are a pure B2B shop, therefore all prices mentioned here are net prices. With our products and well thought-out concepts in the areas of merchandise security, customer counting and theft protection, we work with you to ensure a good and safe shopping experience in your store. Our Vemcount cloud services allow you to collect all relevant data about your customers, such as the number of visitors, the time spent in front of the shop window, gender, conversion rate and much more. Our merchandise security ensures that you can sell while our systems take care of your merchandise security.
In our shop you will find a very large selection of accessories for all common merchandise security systems, even if you did not purchase them from us. If you have any questions about the products, please send us a message and we will advise you accordingly. Regardless of whether it is merchandise security or people counters, the best devices are of no use if they are not installed correctly. We are certified partners of: Sensormatic merchandise security, XOVIS people counter and Vemcount cloud services.
New in the shop
Hand deactivator / mobile deactivator for easier deactivation of adhesive security devices on large or heavy boxes. This is particularly suitable for securing goods in furniture stores or hardware stores where not all products can be placed on the checkout counter.
People counting
Staff - Exclusion // No falsification of the numbers by your staff
Popular items from our shop
Multi-alarm article surveillance
Directly to goods securityMultialarm is the perfect addition to your merchandise security. An active anti-theft device for accessories such as bags, backpacks or power tools.
Mini pencil
Directly to goods securityis the small and lightweight article security device for AM article security systems. In combination with a flat needle, this article security device is perfect for shoes.
Customer counter with battery
Directly to visitor countingThis very small customer counter uses a light barrier to determine the number of interruptions and you can easily read the number of your visitors on the display. Battery life approx. 1 year