category: EU GDPR


Important information on the impact of the EU GDPR in the areas of video surveillance and customer counting

Do you use a video surveillance or customer counter from eastek? Then order our  Information on the new obligation to provide information in public areas, e.g. retail stores.

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the new version of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG n. F.) have been binding since 25 May 2018. This introduces new information obligations for operators of video security systems
which have become significantly stricter than the previous legal situation.

According to Section 4 Paragraph 2 of the BDSG (new version), the fact of observation as well as the name and contact details of the responsible persons must be made known by appropriate measures at the earliest possible time. This usually means
by means of signs or stickers whose message can be perceived by those affected before they enter the field of view of a camera. Furthermore – and this is new – those affected are to be provided with information in accordance with Article
13 GDPR, “at the time of data collection” comprehensive information on the processing of the data collected.

There is no protection for older signs that do not meet the requirements listed below.

If the new information obligations are not complied with, the data protection supervisory authority can require the operator to remedy the deficiencies (Article 58 paragraph 2 GDPR) and impose a fine for the lack of transparency
(Article 83 (5) GDPR).