dwell time measurement and capture rate
How successful is your shop window? Designing a shop window, the decisive purchasing power of shop window design
With the KPI "capture rate" you have the success of your shop window in view.
"Unattractive shop windows turn shoppers into passers-by."* This is a retail rule that applies to every small, independent retailer as well as to the big stores. (Source: FOUNDiiD)
According to surveys by FOUNDiiD 90% of people look at shop windows when walking or driving. Another 28% of customers say that shop windows are the main reason they enter a store.
The answer to the question of a successful shop window is usually only subjective, since no complete part of the customer journey is recorded. With our systems and 20 years of experience in the analysis of passers-by, visitors, customers and buyers, we provide you with facts in the form of capture rate.
We work with you to determine the number of people walking past your shop window, i.e. the number of passages. We compare this with your visitors and provide you with the capture rate, an increasingly important KPI in retail.
We also determine the attractiveness of your shop window by measuring the average time spent in front of your shop window. Stopping Power We also determine this in relation to the bypassers.
Hardly any other company can demonstrate more references in this segment than Eastek. Currently, more than 100 sensors in Europe provide information on the capture rate.
Just as important as collecting the length of stay and the number of passages is the processing of this data. With our cloud service, we provide you with this data in real time, clearly presented and prepared.
Get advice from our people counting specialists, by phone, email or, best of all, in a Teams meeting.
We provide you with all the data for people counting, transit time measurement, route analysis, heat map, conversion rate and everything else you need to fully map the customer journey.
We look forward to hearing from you:
Mail: kundenservice@eastek.de
Tel.: +49406828200
People counter, customer counter, dwell time, window tracking, shopping window, stopping power, retail design, visual storytelling, window design, window display, dwell time, occupancy, retail marketing, capture rate